Welcome to DiceGame, a thrilling game of chance and strategy
played between you and the computer!
Rules for Your Turn:
You have two dice to roll, and the sum of both dice is
added to your current turn score.
End your turn in one of three ways: turn over your dice
to add your current turn score to your total score, roll
a single 1 to reset your current turn score to 0, or
roll two 1's to reset your total score to 0 and end your
Alternatively, win the game by reaching a score of 100
or above. If the total score reaches 100 or more during
your turn, the game ends immediately, even if your
current turn is not completed.
Once your turn ends without you winning, it's the computer's
Rules for the Computer's Turn:
The computer rolls the dice automatically and follows
the same rules as you.
If the computer rolls a 1, its current turn score resets
to 0, just like yours. If the computer rolls two 1's,
its total score resets to 0, and its turn ends.
The computer has a strategic advantage: if it reaches a
current turn score of 20 or more, it turns over its
dice, adding the turn score to its total score, and then
continues its turn.
The game ends immediately if the computer's total score
reaches 100 or more, and the computer emerges as the
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